Executive & Board Of Directors
One of the many strengths of the Royal City Badminton Club is its outstanding group of volunteers.
What initially began as only 2-3 individuals with a vision for community badminton has grown to an Executive team including a four-member Board of Directors* who volunteer their time to run a successful club. A major goal of the Executive is to promote the sport of badminton in Guelph, especially among the young members of our community.
*Executive Director-at-Large: Alex Fretwell
*President: Prakash Sukumaran
*Vice-President: Anne Marie Laurence
*Secretary/Treasurer: Jessica Shortt
Tournament/Coaching Director: Jeffrey Phung
Website/Communication Director: Anne Marie Laurence
Registration Coordinator: Jessica Shortt
Court Supervisors:
Tuesday: Alex Fretwell
Wednesday: Prakash Sukumaran, Jessica Shortt
Friday: Nelson Mathew, Sridhar Makineni
Coaches: Jeffrey Phung