Operating Rules & Procedures
All Members and Pay-as-you-Play Guests please read the following rules:
Our club is volunteer-run, not-for-profit and membership driven.
Pay-as-you-play guests may be permitted as space allows and guests must check with the Court Supervisor as to playing opportunities and fees. If permitted, they must sign in and pay before playing. Guests are not entitled to play in tournaments or the club championship.
Always check the notices and on-line schedule before coming out to play on any given night.
See our fees webpage for rates. A receipt for income tax purposes can be provided upon request.
There are three categories: Children (grades 6-7), Youth (grades 8-12) and Adult (19+).
Our badminton season runs from approximately mid-September until mid-June. Unless otherwise posted/notified, badminton is scheduled on the following evenings:
Tuesdays: Adults and Youth only (9 courts)
Wednesdays: Adults only (6 courts)
Fridays: Family night (Adults, Youth and Children). Adults and Youth play in the main gym and Children play in the back gym.
Limited coaching is available for beginner and intermediate level. There are several NCCP coaches in the club.
Badminton is considered an honour sport and as such, the utmost respect is to be shown to your opponents regardless of skill level. Generally, you compliment a good shot or rally while an uncertain call goes in favour of your opponent. Introduce yourself to start play and shake hands at the end of the game.
Court type shorts/sweats and a t-shirt are required. A designated pair of indoor court shoes (non-marking sole) must be worn. AT NO TIME SHALL OUTDOOR FOOTWEAR BE WORN INSIDE THE GYM.
All players 18 years of age or younger MUST WEAR APPROVED EYE PROTECTION. Eye protection must conform to ASTM F803. No player who is subject to this rule shall enter the court without eye protection. Players not subject to this rule are also encouraged to wear eye protection.
Ladder Board:
- Maximum of two challenges per colour for the season.
- All challenges should be booked with the court supervisor on or before 8pm on the same night.
- Number of challenges in one night will be at the court supervisor's discretion.
All questions or concerns are to be directed to the designated Court Supervisor
The Court Supervisor has the right to request the Head Custodian remove any player for reasons of misconduct or non-payment
Any injuries shall be immediately reported to the Court Supervisor
No food or beverages (water bottles excluded) allowed in the gym. Waterbottles should be kept on the benches away from the courts.
Parents or Designated Guardian of Child Members (grades 6-7) must be on site at all times.
You are responsible for supervising your children. At no time should childen be left on site without parental or guardian supervision.
No gum allowed in the gym. It presents a considerable safety hazard while playing.
Singles play is not permitted without the permission of the Court Supervisor
Enter the courts in the middle corridor only when play has paused. Do not cut across courts.
All player shall assist in set-up and removal of nets. Nets to come down by 10:20pm.
Players are only allowed in the corridor leading to the side parking lot and corridors adjacent to the gym (Athletic Corridor). At no time are students of Centennial CVI permitted to go to their lockers.
Do not leave any valuables in the change rooms. You must enter the gym through the change rooms off the Athletic Corridor.
No foul language or inappropriate behaviour (i.e., swearing or caught in restricted areas) will be tolerated.
All Children must be supervised by their parent or designate at all times.
Use of the Ladder System (1 game per turn) is in effect unless otherwise determined by the Court Supervisor. Rally point scoring is in effect.